Bioinformatics Journal Club (2S)

392172 Sundermann Winter 2017/18 Monday 16:00-17:30 in U10-155 ekvv


In this seminar, we will read and discuss research articles from different fields in bioinformatics. The overall topic of the seminar will be decided in the first session.


Date Paper Name
09.10.2017 (Linda in Geneva)
16.10.2017 choosing a topic all
23.10.2017 (de.NBI Symposium)
30.10.2017 (bridge day)
06.11.2017 (Linda in Berlin)
13.11.2017 single-strand sequencing Jens
20.11.2017 (Workshop on Computational Data Science in Bioinformatics)
27.11.2017 chromsome conformation capture Dany
04.12.2017 Characterization of MinION nanopore data for resequencing analyses, pages 940-945 Linda
11.12.2017 Characterization of MinION nanopore data for resequencing analyses, rest of paper Linda
– X-mas break –
08.01.2018 Mapping and phasing of structural variation in patient genomes using nanopore sequencing Tizian
15.01.2018 (Dany in Helsinki)
22.01.2018 Computational methods for optical mapping Roland

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