Arbeitsgruppenseminar Genominformatik

392188 Stoye Winter 2011/12 Thursday 16-18 in U10-146 ekvv

Course Description

In this seminar, current topics of the Genome Informatics research group are presented.

(In dieser Veranstaltung wird in Vorträgen über aktuelle Themen aus der Forschung der Arbeitsgruppe Genominformatik berichtet.)


Date Topic Name
13.10.2011 Bachelor thesis final presentations\\Project presentation Svea Kokott, Juri Ritter, Corinna Sickinger, Stanislaw Loschitzki
Konstantin Otte
20.10.2011 (Jens in Berlin)
27.10.2011 (Jens in Aarhus)
03.11.2011 Detektion von einzelnen DNA-Molekülen mittels laserinduzierter Fluoreszenz - Ein biophotonischer Ansatz Idir Yahiatene
10.11.2011 Organizational matters Jens Stoye
17.11.2011 Dynamic FM-Index for a Collection of Texts with Application to Space-efficient Construction of the Compressed Suffix Array. Wolfgang Gerlach
24.11.2011 Sequence analysis of the Rhizottia solani AG1-IB genome with emphasis on fungal pathogencity determinants Daniel Wibberg
01.12.2011 Functional Gene Cluster Detection Daniel Dörr
08.12.2011 DNA compression Sascha McSporran
15.12.2011\\at 15:15 Sampling DCJ scenarios Eyla Willing
22.12.2011 almost christmas break
29.12.2011 christmas break
05.01.2012 christmas break
12.01.2012 Using BWT, run-length encoding and Huffman encoding to compress large read sets Tobias Jakobi
19.01.2012 (Jens in Paris)
26.01.2012 SequenceWorkshop2012
02.02.2012 Methods for the analysis of metatranscriptomes
Progress in the genome project of the phytopathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IB
Christina Ander \\Lukas Jelonek
09.02.2012 MGX - A flexible metagenome annotation platform Sebastian Jaenicke
05.03.2012\\at 13:15 On the relation between gene organization, functional gene groups and cancer Annelyse Thévenin
15.03.2012 Mining phenotype-genotype association data Alexander Berhörster
29.03.2012 A stochastic model of the T-cell activation Robert Steinfelder